If you as the administrator of a school, college or a university want to replicate the same learning experience for the student in a classroom environment to an online classroom, LMS is the tool which can power that. The standard features of an LMS in which every educational invest today are :
• Course Management: This helps the teacher to create a professional and structured course content to be used during a digital classroom intervention and which can be later accessed by the student. The teacher can manage courses by adding text, images, tables, links and text formatting, interactive tests, and slideshows for the student to access and also keep track of the student progress during the online classroom session and also post that.
• Online assessment: In a physical classroom environment it is easy to judge student performance through real-time assessments, monthly or weekly tests and asking questions in between, when considering the same situation in case of an online classroom scenario, it is tough for the teacher to do it. Online assessment as a feature empowers this and give more power in the hand of the educator.
• Feedback: A teacher in a physical classroom session can easily collect feedback from students and tweak his teaching process. When we can consider the same situation is an online classroom, the process can be made easy through the feedback feature of the LMS. Through LMS, the feedback data can be stored and referenced back in the future in the form of analytics which can help the teacher to improve his or her teaching skills.

What Market2yu can do you?
As an educational institution is ready to jump in the bandwagon of online teaching providers, our team of technology geeks are there to help.
As a custom software development company from Australia with domain experience in the education industry, we bring to the table a team who can solve your institution’s challenges of ensuring a good learning experience during online classes. Our LMS development service can empower your existing online learning platform to provide a seamless experience of learning over the internet.
The services which Market2yu offers under LMS development for schools and colleges are categorized under two heads:
• Fabrication: There are a lot of existing LMSes like Moodle that provides options for customization. There are some pre-built modules on which our software team can work and fabricate it as per the institution’s requirement.
• Custom development: If the school or college is committed to making long term investment in the online learning infrastructure, we always advise going by the custom development route. Our team sits with your team to understand requirements which can empower them to deliver a seamless experience to the student. A custom LMS development as the process takes a bit more time than fabrication, as an investment it has more long term benefits.

If as the administrator of a college or school interested in committing to digital learning, talk to Market2yu team to get the LMS up and running.