Why invest in telemedicine app?
As a hospital owner or health facility manager, one needs to understand the benefits of investing in telemedicine infrastructure and how the same can improve business margins. The principles-based upon which one take a decision are:
• Patient experience: A hospital can improve the patient experience by giving them quick access to doctors, prescriptions and medicines through a telemedicine app which in turn can improve patient loyalty.
• Optimize cost: Hospitals can improve margins per patient by taking OPD care completely on telemedicine app. The spends to be made on real estate and infrastructure to build an OPD facility can also be avoided or reduced.
• Reach more customers: A telemedicine app can help the hospital to reach more customers. More and more customers can access the hospital’s facility by merely downloading the app.
What to expect in a custom telemedicine app development?
A telemedicine app might look like any customer mobile app but from the perspective of technology, it’s a complete platform to facilitate patient care online. It requires the app to be built from the standpoint of both the patient and the doctor. It should have capabilities of empowering both the doctor and the patient so that the right care can be delivered remotely. The key features Market2yu considers while developing custom telemedicine are
Appointment scheduler: An interface on the patient side, through which he/she can book an appointment with a specific doctor. From the doctor’s standpoint, it should be able to map the same with doctor’s calendar to process an appointment.
Video chat: The main job of a telemedicine app is to empower the doctor to deliver patient care remotely over the internet. Video chat is an important feature which can ensure seamless consultation experience for the patient as in case of a physical clinic setting.

Payment collection: An important feature which Market2yu prescribes to its clients is payment collection. The main of this feature is to enable the hospital to collect payment from the patients digitally post or before the consultation engagement. Some client also looks at integrating this with the hospital’s accounting system also.
Record keeping: Another must-have feature which Market2yu prescribes to all its client is the record-keeping feature to enable transparency in the process. Every consultation engagement requires a lot of data sharing from both the parties, the doctor and the patient. This feature automates the process of record-keeping. Through a simple interface, both the doctor and the patient can refer to the information post consultation.
How Market2yu works?
Market2yu is a custom software development company from Australia with the expertise to build robust technology infrastructure for hospitals and healthcare facilities. In the case of custom telemedicine app development, we follow a definitive process so that all requirements of the client are covered. We make sure that all business scenarios are covered. Anything specific which the hospital management requires the same also integrated into the development process and feature.
If as a part of the hospital’s technology decision-making team planning to invest in a custom telemedicine app can always Market2yu as a partner to rely upon
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